I have lived in Nanaimo for just over 54 years and have always been interested in the political arena in and around Nanaimo. For more details on my background and interests check out my ABOUT page.
As an avid photographer, I have uploaded some of my PHOTOS. In 2017, Nanaimo City Council wanted to build a multiplex or EVENT CENTRE. I was opposed to the Event Centre and co-founded the NOVOTE2017 Society. Some of the information about the NOVOTE2017 and the success of the referendum with 80.4% opposed is here.
I am a President and Spokesperson for the Dover Community Association. We have recently become a registered society and have our next Annual General Meeting scheduled for April 2024. Meanwhile we have regular meetings and the executive meets often. Let us know how we can help you. Check out the DOVER link.
If you have any comments or questions you can CONTACT me.
You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want. • Zig Ziglar